Trinity Training & Development Blog

Step 1: Discuss A Positive Future

When it comes to engaging your employees in a discussion about the workplace, it’s natural to take a problem-solving approach. However, this often highlights the problems and leaves employees feeling discouraged. Instead, frame the discussion in a positive light. Ask your employees to describe a future that is positive and productive. In what environment can they picture themselves performing at their best? By focusing on everyone’s strengths, you can invoke enthusiasm as your team imagines what their work could look like. These conversations can shape your employees’ current actions and lead to positive changes.

Step 2: Explore the Current Culture

To determine how your employees view the current culture of the organization, you’ll need to have an honest conversation and be willing to address weaknesses. But it shouldn’t be a company bashing. Your employees may bring up shortcomings, but you can still lead the discussion positively. To do so, ask your team these three questions:

  • What do you currently value most about your work and about the organization?
  • What does it look like when our team is functioning most effectively?
  • How could we strengthen the health of the organization?

These questions will help you determine how things currently work within the company. You’ll discover areas that need growth and others that are thriving. This will help you navigate your next steps to enhance the culture.

Step 3: Move Toward Your Desired Future

First, compare the information you’ve gathered about what your employees would like to see in the company’s future to how they currently view the company. Discuss how, together, you can leverage your strengths to overcome your weaknesses. Determine what cultural barriers need to be removed so that you can reach the desired culture. Encourage your team to be as specific as possible so that you can create a game plan moving forward. Then, place the responses into one of three categories: keep doing, stop doing, start doing. Make every effort to start implementing the necessary changes as soon as possible. The employees engaged in the conversation will see that you are serious about leading them forward and give you the support you need to shift the culture.

Leaders that listen to—and use—feedback from their employees see an increase in performance and communication. Employees who feel heard and valued report a higher sense of job satisfaction and respect for their leadership. Collaboration is a win-win for everyone. To learn how to be a more effective leader and generate lasting cultural changes, contact Trinity Training & Development today. 








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