Tension hangs in the air. You can’t believe your colleague just said that--at all, let alone in a conference meeting. Most of the men and women sitting around the large wooden table are pretending to look through their notes, some check email on their phone. No one has said a word in what has been the longest minute you’ve ever endured. Maybe you should have been more understanding, given him another chance to speak up before you shut him down. But now you’re too shocked and angry to give him...
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Have you asked yourself the following questions:
● Am I utilizing my employees correctly?
● Are they in the best position to accomplish the goals of the business?
● Does my staff have healthy communication?
● Do we handle conflict appropriately and effectively?
If you’ve contemplated these questions, we believe that taking your team through DiSC Workplace training will give you the answers you need to improve relationships, communication, and job satisfaction in your company.
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We all want to be seen and known. It helps us believe that we’re valued. Someone took the time to understand us, to learn more about how we are and what makes us tick. The reverse is also true. You show that you care about someone, even at the most basic level, when you know about more than just their hair color. The DiSC test is one of the most popular and effective personality assessments that helps individuals establish emotional intelligence, uncover their strengths, and learn how to recogn...
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Emotional Intelligence, often referenced as EQ, is a key component to effective leadership in businesses and organizational growth. Emotional Intelligence is, in simplest terms, described as possessing the knowledge of what is being felt, what emotions mean, and how those emotions can impact others. But great leaders know that EQ is more than that because they understand how emotions drive behavior and apply that knowledge to motivate those around them.
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Robert Winter | Trinity,
Trinity Leadership and Development,
Trinity Leadership Development,
Robert Winter,
Emotional Intelligence,
Social Skills,
EQ | Leadership Training |
Robert Winter will be speaking at the MindLab conference on April 24th in Denver, Colorado. His session will focus on productive conflict, an assessment offered by Wiley/Everything DiSC. He will also discuss his FrontLine Leadership Development Program and how its implementation can help transform your organization's managers into strong leaders. This program has successfully equipped leaders in a wide variety of industries.
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DiSC assessments have been around since 1972 and have been updated and adapted to modern workplace environments to help managers learn more effective communication techniques and how to build better interpersonal relationships with team members while having the tools to effectively navigate conflicts, set goals, and establish an atmosphere of successful communication.
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