Trinity Training & Development Blog
Archive by month: 2020-7Return

Establish Agile EQ using DiSC

We all want to be seen and known. It helps us believe that we’re valued. Someone took the time to understand us, to learn more about how we are and what makes us tick. The reverse is also true. You show that you care about someone, even at the most basic level, when you know about more than just their hair color. The DiSC test is one of the most popular and effective personality assessments that helps individuals establish emotional intelligence, uncover their strengths, and learn how to recogn...
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Trinity Training and Development Announces Front Line Leadership’s New Online Learning Program

Austin, TX (June 29, 2020) Front Line Leadership announced today the launch of its new Online Learning Program. The platform provides a viable alternative for organizations when face-to-face classroom delivery is not feasible. “The program utilizes the same content, tools, and structure of our classroom-based program, but provides the flexibility of an easy to use blended learning process when location, cost, or location play a factor in how training is delivered” explained Robert Winter, Pres...
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